Exposed by Sparier


Chip doxed Sparier publicly and threatened his life on multiple occasions


Chip was exposed for grooming several underage users in furries-amino along with rape threats and defending zoophilia


Cosmicbean - Bean - Vom - Leader Chip - Chip


Chip posted NSFW art around minors in the furry568 amino


Belle encouraged Chip witch hunt against Sparier in furries-amino by providing Chip with a dox of Sparier's personal information


This dox caused Chip to threaten Sparier's life

Chip started many witch hunts in furries-amino that were only backed with mentally unstable suspicions


Leader Gavanna encouraged Chip's witch hunt against Sparier on furries-amino

Chip had renamed themselves to a dox of Sparier's name and address to try to harass him out of furries-amino

Chip then asked the community of furries-amino to help false report Sparier's aminos due to their threats not working

Chip classified the orangutan Apple emoji as racist, comparing it to race and ethnicity

Chip spoke sexually towards and around underage users in furries-amino

As Chip's mental health began to decline, he stole Sparier's profile picture to frame him

Chip once again deemed the orangutan emoji as racist imagery to invoke negativity on race and ethnicity that had no presence in the argument

Along with blackmailing Sparier with a dox of his name and address, Chip also threatened to rape Sparier and his family members

A) Chip groomed the underage furry named Zanti into helping the opposition against Sparier


Encouraged bad behaviors in minors by teaching them how to blackmail users with a dox


B) Chip also encouraged this same underage furry to fake their age and pretend to be a 19 year old just to gather evidence on Sparier



Shortly after, Chip's mental health continued to degenerate as he openly defended zoophiles as long as they were furrys

Chip's tiktok was mostly filled with videos of them acting animalistic with their pets

Once again Chip drew more "revenge art" of Sparier, but this time made it uncomfortably sexual and sent it to underage users in furries-amino

A) One of Chips grooming victims named Sladiki/Felix defended the artwork and said "this is how sparier should be like"

Chip not only sexualized Sparier but also encouraged underage furry's to sexualize Sparier the same way


B) Many of Chips opinions were re-spoken through the underage users of furries-amino


Sladiki defended zoophilia just as Chip did in his prior post


C) Sladiki had been caught having private sexual voice chats with Chip and was told to deny all claims


Chip repeatedly refused that the calls existed until Sladiki accidentally admitted the calls were taking place


D) The furries-amino community turned on both Sladiki and Chip but mostly forgave Chip after the incident, Chip blamed everything on Sladiki to avoid taking responsibility


Users exposed Sladiki for guilt-tripping and suicide baiting furries in furries-amino


E) Users exposed Sladiki for stealing artwork and attempting to sell it in furries-amino






As Chip was harassed to leave furries-amino they guilt-tripped the community by claiming they had been groomed and raped in the past


Chip made this claim even though they had threatened to rape Sparier and his family

Chip further argued with minors on furries-amino despite guilt-tripping to leave over 50 times


A) Erika defended Chip after they were exposed as a predator and zoophile defender in furries-amino


B) Erika used their Olveston alternate account to threaten multiple users and underage users through doxing




Chip had found evidence further connecting Erika to the Ben and Olveston accounts

Chip admitted that he'd rape Mountain in furries-amino if they were a minor


Chip also negatively spiraled and began threatening Sparier in a sexual manner around dozens of underage furries

Chip accused Sparier of being trans so that they could call Sparier transphobic


Yes, its not supposed to make sense

Chip accused the underage user Ace for drawing "revenge art" of Sparier


These drawings were heavily zoophilic and had references to the Nazi "revenge art" Chip had drawn of Sparier before

Ace provided evidence connecting Chip's artwork style with the zoophilic "revenge art" that was anonymously posted coincidentally right after Chip had been exposed

A) Chip received support from individuals that refused to look at the overwhelming evidence

B) This support was quickly extinguished as Chips main supporter "Jora Bojo" was caught trying to role-play with a zoophile named Ezza



As a majority of furries-amino forgave Chip, Sparier decided it was time to leave the community to its own demons

A) Furries-amino quickly became plagued with Chip's NSFW topics that were targeted towards underage members such as Pearl, Zanti, Sharky, Sladiki, Ace, and Ultraxin

B) Chip began grooming a new minor to the community, named Pearl

C) Chip framed the zoophilia evidence on Sparier through manipulation and refused to acknowledge their own mistakes




Adults became comfortable making sexual references with underage furrys

The already mentally unstable Chip had appeared to learn their lesson wanting to atone, only to then harass a furry that opposed Chip's disgusting behavior

Chip once again degenerated mentally as soon as Sparier rejoined the furries-amino community


Threatening more transphobic comments that were all baseless accusations from the start

A) Erika disguised themselves once again on an alternate account named Monika


Monika advertised a NSFW predatory amino to the underage users of furries-amino


B) Chip joined Erika's Furryverse amino to help raid Sparier's furry amino communities with porn



Curator Chip was reported in the newly moderated furries-amino for assisting a zoophile in posting porn to underage furs


Chip censored the evidence and banned the user opposing their opinion 

Chip tried to blame this negative feedback on Sparier who had been banned from the community for some time


Many furries-amino furs became fed up with Curator Chips staff abuse


Users disagreed with Chip and posted the truth as to why furries-amino was actually dying

Nomi managed to obtain Leadership in the community to gather information on the predatory team running furries-amino

Nomi found more evidence of Curator Chip censoring and banning any user that spoke out about Chip's disgusting behaviors

Nomi, Molotov, and Sparier had enough of Chip's manipulative staff abuse and took over furries-amino that day

The enraged Curator Chip posted dozens of gore photos in retaliation towards Sparier's control over furries-amino

Chip attempted to manipulate the predators and zoophiles banned from furries-amino to create an "anti Sparier" community on amino

Chip tried to guilt-trip and manipulate users like Nomi as their influence faded from the furry amino community



Exposed by Sparier


Zanti pretended to be an older age and participated in a pedophile amino (owned by Agent Junya) that is filled with pornography


Eyefestation - ZantiHeartson - HooterShmoocher - Zanti


Zanti defended multiple predators for sending pornography in furry568 chats

Zanti bandwagoned witch hunts that resulted in innocent users being banned in conflict

Zanti encouraged role-play with predators online regardless if they were sexual or not


Zanti has an online “mommy/adoption” connection with the predator named Gavanna from furry568

Zanti engages in sexual topics with adults in furries-amino daily

Zanti pretended to be an older age


A) Agent Junya advertised their pornography filled amino all over furries-amino which is mostly filled with minors


B) Agent Junya allows minors to be in their pornographic amino and even gives the underage users a tag on their profile for online predators to publicly see or hunt for