
There is an 18+ warning for this site


I and literally every website owner in existance cannot stop a minor from visiting websites on the internet


There is nothing NSFW about this website before the 18+ warning and Disclaimer on the front page


If someone sees NSFW on this website it is THEIR fault for ignoring the 18+ warning


Canceling my website because theres NSFW in 10% of the folders that are also PUBLICALLY shown of Furry Amino with no 18+ warnings to start with does not solve the problem

This website was made because the staff censored anyone who provided proof of these groomers, Zoophiles, Pedophiles


Minors dont need to see this website to understand that Furry Amino is a bad place that they shouldnt be on


Instead of looking for someone to blame, you could warn these minor friends of yours to leave the app so they DONT have to know about the website 

All NSFW images Are censored

However the website is STILL 18+ and anyone who ignores that warning and the disclaimer is liable