Agent on furry-amino


Leader Rev threatened Sparier with a dox of his name, address, and place of workplace


Leader Rev started a witch hunt with intentionally cropped evidence to cancel Sparier and the website


Rev - Cake!


User Rainy joined FurryAminoExposed's discord on Leader Rev's behalf to find evidence on Sparier to use as blackmail

Rainy threatened Sparier in the discord with a dox of his name and address

Rainy had reported all users that visited Sparier's discord to Leader Rev, Rev unjustifiably terminated dozens of users for seeing the truth about furry-amino

Curator from furry-amino reported Leader Rev to Sparier with evidence of Rainy's connection to Rev

Sparier confronted Leader Rev about the rat he had sent to dox and blackmail in the Discord

Sparier demanded the Leader to do his job and deal with the major threats within the furry-amino community

Leader Rev threatened Sparier with a dox of his name and address after reporting their community Youtuber

Rev intended on exploiting Sparier's personal information 

Sparier wasn't scared of Leader Rev's blackmail and continued to press the Staff member

Leader Rev threatened Sparier with a dox of his place of workplace

Leader Rev immaturely refuses to take responsibility for their actions online 

Rev relies on the baseless witch hunts involving Sparier that they don't provide tangible proof of?

Rev blocked Sparier after refusing to provide any proof to justify why they threatened Sparier with a dox

Rev gave out Sparier's phone number and spam called him to retaliate against Sparier contacting SleepyMilk

Rev and SleepyMilk spread false allegations that Sparier was doxing users


Sparier simply used the phone number SleepyMilk posted publicly on their Instagram

One of furry-amino's artists provided a civil safe space to talk about Rev's witch hunt for Sparier and the website


Rev refused to join the voice call and explain the allegations they had no proof of

SleepyMilk abandoned the community and gave Agent to Rev who employees zoophiles to stalk Sparier


A) Agent Rev requested the zoophile user Troy to spy on Sparier and get evidence against the website


This user created fake allegations that Agent Rev attempted to use against Sparier


B) These Nazi racist allegations were proven false in the Allegations folder


C) Troy was caught role-playing in FurryRomance931 with multiple known zoophiles labeled on this website





Pup is a user that role-plays as a feral dog with Troy in FurryRomance931


Tex is a user that role-plays as a feral dog with Troy in FurryRomance931 and engages in predatory taboo behavior