Furry NSFW posted on Aureus's Twitter AND ON FURRY AMINO

Post was taken down only after I exposed both SilverClawArrow and Aureus

Looks like the leadership are comissioning NSFW art in the community

Not surprised to see Stalkaz enjoying the NSFW artwork

Full grown adult stalking minors on other furry aminos


Banned me after I reported the Curator Steam Pumped k9


Censored and banned anyone willing to expose the staff

Got promoted to a leadership position within 2 months?

Censoring and striking any post or comment

Leaders of two seperate furry communities upset with SilverClawArrow who is stalking and spying on minors

There is actual feral art on his twitter if you dare to look


But funny how they deleted their own comment

Anonymous account Leader SilverClawArrow was on stalking minors

The meme of SilverClawArrows head in the universe was made in a chat on Fur Alley which was then posted by her on Furry Amino


proving up to the date 7/23/2023 that she is still a 25 year old stalking minors chats anonymously

The leaders went through the effort not taking responsibility for their 18+ twitter link in their bio because its "out of their amino" which is their only concern


Meanwhile I'm banned for having a website exposing not just them and they go to other aminos to then ban people for doing nothing but being there


Breaking their own rules like hypocrites

banned me after reporting the Curator Steam Pumped k9

Turns out the one who kept banning me and not communicating with other staff members was Leader Enigma


The same person who boasted about the communication between staff members