Exposed by Sparier
Zaik defended zoophiles in furry101 and planned towards rehabilitating each one
FF4E Leadership reported Zaik to the website for doxing and sexual role-play in their community
Curious about irregularities in evidence, Sparier reached out to Agent ZoeyTheHyena about Zaik
No adult is that naive to have their entire perspective of thinking changed by another individual
Accessing private conversations Zaik had with an Anonymous user
Zaik often overshares his sexual behavior at random
Zaik had supposedly attacked FF4E after reporting a pedophile in FF4E Leadership named Peep
FF4E banned both Peep and the minor he sexually role-played with
Zaik was offended that the minor was banned, which caused him to possibly threaten to dox the FF4E Leadership
The doxing threats were exaggerated by FF4E Leadership
Zaik has made similar “doxing” gestures with Sparier, but never once followed through
Zaik had admitted to engaging in zoophilia Zaik had shared multiple stories with Anonymous users, and Sparier