FURRY AMINO : furry-amino


Amino that contains Zoophilia Animal Abuse Pedophilia Child Predatory - Art Theft - Corrupt Leadership Doxing DDosing Grooming Stalking

furry-amino Leadership



YouTuber Stalkaz was a pedophile and zoophile that was grooming on the furry-amino platform by luring in minors with his YouTube channel popularity


multiple furry-amino Leadership made up dozens of excuses not to ban Stalkaz until they were backed into a corner by Sparier


Curator Steam Pumped K9 groomed several minors daily in voice chats after Sparier's ban from furry-amino


Leader Basil Borks is an artist that drew age-regressor artwork on Twitter


Some of this artwork was drawn for Agent Lord Aberth, who was drawn as a nude child-depicted character


Sparier reported known zoophiles and predators but was banned doing so


Basil Borks fueled the witch hunt against the website


Leader SilverClawArrow has abused their powers by banning anyone that stands against their ego


Silver Claw Arrow stalked communities of minors such as FurAlley and bullied them for several days to boost their own fragile ego


Silver Claw lied and made up a fake timeline as to why Sparier was banned from furry-amino


Silver Claw herself participated in commissioning sexual artwork from within the furry-amino community


Curator Aureus was dating Leader Silver Claw Arrow in furry-amino


Both Aureus and SilverClawArrow commissioned sexual artwork of their fursonas from within furry-amino



Leader Shibaguttz refused to acknowledge any evidence that wasn't recorded on an app that prevents recording


Agent Lord Aberth linked his pornographic socials in his furry-amino bio


These socials direct you to heaps of furry pornography of Lord Aberths fursona


Agent Lord Aberth has never once warned on his bio that the links lead to pornography


Lord Aberth followed minors on his pornographic Twitter page


Censored posts that exposed his furry-amino Leadership team


A) Leader Revenant put his pornographic socials in his profile bio on furry-amino


B) Leader Enigma fabricated a false timeline and attempted to manipulate justifications for Sparier's ban, whilst the evidence proves Sparier's innocence and uncovers Enigmas corruption in the furry-amino Leadership



Leader on furry-amino



Cropped pornography from Twitter, in use by Leader Revenant on furry-amino

Leader Revenant was caught putting his furry pornographic socials in his profile bio



Active on furry-amino



Leader Enigma insisted that furry-amino is perfect and safe, yet two positions of Leadership promoted links to their furry character porn in their profile bio's

Curator Steam Pumped K9 was given an excuse by Leader Enigma as to why they shouldn't have to suffer the consequences that other users endured

I) Sparier provided proof to back his statement against Leader Enigma on the topic of being banned for reporting users like Peaches


II) Curator Steam Pumped K9 reported Sparier to be banned, but not the known zoophile Peaches


User Saddragons requested to confirm the rumors that were spoken about “show and tell” (Peaches alternative account) in the “froggy haven” voice chat


III) Not long after this event, a furry-amino user named Veenon Sharp Claw participated in this voice chat call warning Sparier that Steam Pumped K9 and Peaches were devising a way to dox Sparier




I) Leader Enigma admitted that the evidence sent to him by Sparier was “tangible proof of someone doing harm on furry-amino


II) Enigma then goes on to make up an excuse as to why YouTuber Stalkaz is safe to not only be around underage users but also advertise his pornographic discord all over furry-amino



An active furry-amino pedophile that erotic role-played non-consensual and pedophilia was not banned after being reported

I) Leader Enigma mentioned how Sparier supposedly never reported Peaches, however evidence proves that Sparier did in fact report Peaches to the “active” furry-amino Leadership


II) Enigma once again accused Sparier of “harassing” users on furry-amino and yet had absolutely no evidence to support this claim


III) Enigma back tracks and goes against everything they just told Sparier, instead of Sparier “not reporting”, Enigma now reasons that Sparier is banned for “reporting too much”




User Jamies Paws had voiced their power of reporting users to Leader Enigma to get them banned


Jamies Paws reported Sparier to Leader Enigma for ban evading, although he was actually engaged in a ban appeal

furry-amino Leadership had been warned time and time again of this art theft scammer that is still active

User Koda The Grey Wolf had posted several cropped NSFW images in front of Curator Steam Pumped K9


Leader Enigma would define these photos as bannable offenses, but Koda was not banned

I) Leader Enigma lied that Leadership was actively handling voice chats when Curator Rayne exposed that the Leaders had actually made the Curators do all the work for them


II) Curator Rayne had been upset over tirelessly moderating the amino that Leader Enigma had abandoned for several months on end


III) Curator Rayne had been demoted for speaking with Sparier after attempting to expose a predatory voice chat




Leader Enigmas evidence simply doesn't match up with his excuse as to why Sparier was blacklisted during his ban appeal

Enigma sent “some” of the evidence of a conversation Sparier had with Leader Basil Borks about his ban appeal

Enigmas evidence contradicts his statements of “Sparier never stated anything about the ban and only reported users”


Sparier explained his side of the ban appeal story and didn't report a single individual like delusional Leader Enigma accused

Enigma even dared to crop the evidence, just goes to show how they tried to manipulate this conversion with lies


Leader Rev threatened Sparier with a dox of his private address


Leader Rev went on to witch hunt with intentionally cropped evidence to cancel Sparier and the website


A) Agent Rev requested the zoophile user Troy to spy on Sparier and get evidence against the website


This user created fake allegations that Agent Rev attempted to use against Sparier


B) These Nazi racist allegations were proven false in the Allegations folder


C) Troy was caught role-playing in FurryRomance931 with multiple known zoophiles labeled on this website





Pup is a user that role-plays as a feral dog with Troy in FurryRomance931


Tex is a user that role-plays as a feral dog with Troy in FurryRomance931 and engages in predatory taboo behavior


Curator Cas supported the witch hunt against this website and tried to invalidate it due to 1 singular cropped image in a folder labeled OUT OF CONTEXT


Agent SleepyMilk was exposed for defending zoophilic artwork in furry-amino


SleepyMilk spread false doxing allegations to cancel the website


Agent Kipaku was exposed for commissioning NSFW pornographic artwork from a 15 year old minor named Verena, along with socializing still with the demoted furry-amino groomers leadership that abused the minor


Kipaku posted and engaged in pedophilic artwork and conversations on furry-amino and their socials


Staff Abuse and Extra are made up of images or videos that pertain to the furry-amino Leadership


These images expose the behavior of all the Leadership, not just one individual



Skekmar was an adult on furry-amino that seduced a 15-year-old to his father's house of address and molested the boy in his basement


Skekmar dated several minors on furry-amino and was only banned after THREE warnings for doing so


I) Sunpan and Sparier both tried to reconnect with Skekmar to troll him

II) Lucien quickly rushed to the predators side in defense


Lucien attempted to manipulate the situation to avoid connection with the known predator Skekmar

III) Lucien had been caught live camera chatting with Skekmar in his discord channel while manipulating Sparier in dm's





Peaches was the main inspiration for the website due to their violent zoophilic tendencies on furry-amino


Peaches hides on hundreds of alternate accounts to avoid his indefinite ban from the community



Zay Bruccalito defended zoophiles like Peaches and influenced the normalization of them in the furry fandom




User MIST not only defended Peaches but also spread violent and unstable topics around furry-amino


DogFace is a bystander that validated multiple zoophiles and predators by providing them a chatroom to feel safe in


DogFace defended the predator Drax who was a 24 year old man dating a 16 year old girl on furry-amino


DogFace lied about their involvement with furry-amino to avoid taking responsibility



Drax is an adult on furry-amino that sexually manipulated and doxed children


Drax had threatened a dox on users in furry-amino that refused to date or flirt back with him


Drax dated an underage user in furry-amino named Bam Bam


Wolfhound was an adult that dateminors on furry-amino


Fixing Saturn had inappropriate role-play sessions with an underage user and also manipulated dozens of users after admitting to being a zoophile



The underage user named Motionless actively sought several adult men to date and manipulate on furry-amino



Kanen was a predator on furry-amino and a Curator on ff4e (FurryFandom4Ever) that dated underage Motionless



Taz was a predator that dated underage girls on furry-amino


Taz engaged in perverse and inappropriate conversations around minors


Taz defended zoophile Peaches


Alex protected multiple pedophiles from being called out by Sparier


Alex became a virtual mother for Percy Voss who murdered his puppy out of curiosity


Alex fueled many witch hunts against zoophiles on furry-amino



Beary was a 24-year-old predator that tried to flirt and date with both a 16 and 17-year-old in furry-amino



Erwin was a predator caught talking like a “daddy” towards his “friends” who were all minors


Ayeka had an aggressive panic attack in a live voice chat on furry-amino


Ayeka suffocated his pet dog in front of dozens of voice participants


Whimpers and rustling were heard through Ayeka's mic for over a minute, with people screaming at him to stop


Ayeka manipulates everyone around him into believing that they are a younger girl, although they are an older man changing their voice



Mami Jelly confirmed Ayekas inpatient hospitalization from the aftermath of the dog murder


Ayeka killed the dog, then was inactive from furry-amino for approximately 3 months afterward for recovery before returning to Amino


MamaGreepGrop managed a furry-amino discord server that was filled with adults flirting with underage furs


Sparier caught Curator SteamPumpedK9 grooming underage girls within Mama's discord


Sparier was banned for reporting Steam to the furry-amino Leadership



Sparier caught Curator SteamPumpedK9 grooming underage girls within Mama's discord and on furry-amino


Sparier was banned for reporting Steam to the furry-amino Leader SilverClawArrow



Verena was a 15 year old that posted their uncensored pornography artwork publicly on furry-amino right in front of Curator SteamPumpedK9


All the furry-amino Leadership were warned of SteampPumpedK9, but every user that reported the Curator groomer was banned


Verena engaged in sexual conversations with Curator SteamPumpedK9 for several months


Verena began dating user King who was a 23 year old man




Luka spread false allegations about the website with Verena in furry-amino public chatrooms


Peaches commissioned Luka for artwork to help them hide on alternate accounts in furry-amino



This is a collection of NSFW artwork that underage Verena was sharing with Curator Steam Pumped K9



KayoticArtz had been exposed on the website for grooming a 15 year old minor named Verena


Kayotic distributed NSFW photos of their body to flirt with underage furs in MamaGreepGrops discord



Avery stole art from a furry-amino artist named ROCKDAD


 Avery sold that stolen art to make profit



Calvin.2 tried to sexually manipulate Sparier in hopes the website would be deleted


When Sparier refused to remove a singular user from the website, Calvin.2 started a witch hunt by making fun of Sparier's suicide attempt to specifically people exposed by the website



Xeeko was an adult that participated in inappropriate conversations around minors


Cruce was a homophobic, transphobic, racist who would harass the furry-amino community on a daily basis in live voice chats


Cruce abused the Leaderships “lack” of moderation



Percy was a user from furry-amino that self exposed themselves for murdering animals


Percy was caught attempting to sexually role-play with underage users and associated themselves with zoophiles



Scrunkie was a user on furry-amino that attempted to manipulate and dox Sparier in defense of a zoophile





Violet doxed the user Moober

for supposedly sounding like Sparier in a voice chat


User Moober joined Sparier's Discord to report Violet and Curator Steam Pumped K9


Floofer was an adult that attempted to groom dozens of minors whilst also engaging in spreading zoophilic ideologies in the furry-amino community


Fallen Angel was an artist that scammed users for money, then started witch hunts so she didn't have to finish the drawing or pay the user back


Fallen Angel protected many predators on furry-amino in her Discord community, where they engaged in sexual conversations with and around minors



Kayzu was an adult art scammer on furry-amino that associated with only underage users and assisted in management over Fallen Angels predatory Discord server



Cassius from furry-amino had tried flirting and dating several underage girls



Dana Lamb was a pedophile on furry-amino that sexually role-played with underage girls



Tazz Fluff was an adult on furry-amino that commissioned art for the predatory Leadership and participated in Fallen Angels predatory discord


Pachi openly shipped underage characters together and drew NSFW artwork of them


Both Twitter and furry-amino hunted Pachi for making posts defending pedophilia

Front page of furry-amino

Sexualized art posted daily without any moderation from the furry-amino Leaders

Bathroom conversations in a public chatroom

Adults pretend to role-play as minors

Age-regression art posted in every corner of the amino by adults

Cropped pornography sent in the most popular chatroom on furry-amino


Absolutely zero moderation from furry-amino Leaders

Adults congregating as feral animals publicly

Users such as Chiha who have been on this website for over 2 years are still not banned

Average user posted sexual references within their profile