Active on FurryAmino
FixingSaturn - Saturn - Apollo - Adelaide - Howler
A) Sparier provides proof to back his statement against Ex-Leader Enigma on the topic of being banned for reporting users like Peaches
B) Ex-Curator SteamPumpedK9 reports Sparier to be banned, but not the known zoophile Peaches
User Saddragons requested to confirm the rumors that were spoken about “show and tell” (Peaches alternative account) in the froggy haven voice chat
C) Not long after this event, a FurryAmino user named VeenonSharpClaw participated in this voice chat call warning Sparier that SteamPumpedK9 and Peaches were devising a way to dox Sparier
Caught red handed in a Furry Amino groomers discord
Stalks minors on other Furry Amino platforms with the leaders
Is openly allowed to be lewd, post innappropriate memes that get normal users banned, and even allows people to post inappropriate stuff around them
Underage girl sends a google drive filled with furry porn and Curator Steam Pumped k9 does nothing
Now they start posting some of the borderline NSFW content clearly with Steam present
It is very obvious this adult is interested in a minor
Proof of Discord and Amino connection
Allowed Saint to groom children in front of staff because they were friends
After the discord was nuked of all evidence they continued to groom a user named Verena/Kay
Stalking them around Furry Amino chats
Stalking minors in a seperate amino community with an anonymous account
Banned the user Moober after they were hazzed AND DOXED based on no proof in a witch hunt
Moober was banned after reporting this to Steam Pumped k9
Curator Steam Pumped k9 grooming "BeCarefulUpThere" who is underage
She was also being groomed in Mama Greep Grop's groomer discord before staff purged the evidence
A furry dating site that breaks the rules being posted in front of minors and the Curator but nothing being done about it
I called the Zoophile "Peaches" out in vc named "Show and Tell"
I was banned instead of the Zoophile
One of the users in that chatroom then warned me that the zoophile was going to try and expose me
Curator Steam Pumped k9 allowing it all to happen